September 7, 2022

Children’s book of Wildlife Stories Launched in Gunotsoga Village

In November 2021, we gathered 5 village children together to write an illustrate a storybook about local wildlife. The children spent several days coming up with animal facts and fantastical stories of the animals they know from the area. Well, in August, we brought the published book to launch in Gunotsoga Village. The children, their families, friends and community leaders gathered to celebrate the achievement.

As the children sat with great anticipation, we discussed what it means to have the voices of village children amplified and celebrated. Although many of the stories were not favorable for wild animals, they reflected the feelings of the children and created a starting point for engagement for future education efforts.

What was particularly gratifying was seeing the faces of the children when they saw their own words and drawings in the book. It encouraged an air of possibilities and hopes.

All of the adults were impressed with the presentation and the work the children had done.

Copies of the book with be available for children in their school libraries, but we are also working with the Botswana government to register the book in the National Library! This is truly a big accomplishment for the children, whose voices will be celebrated for a long time to come.

Thank you to Alexandra Orford for providing guidance for Neo and the children and diligently getting the books printed. We are thankful for Patrick Chapi who allowed the children to use his cafe for this project. The Orford Family provided funding for supplies and publishing for the books.