Organizations are like organisms: They grow and thrive. We at CLAWS are growing and with our growth come changes, unexpected challenges, successes, an increasing number of staff and new organizational tasks that we have to concentrate on. Finding more effective ways to strategically manage our work is an effort that we are currently pursue. We do this with passion. And we do this with Maliasili – an organization that supports local African organizations to expand, strengthen and sustain community-based approaches to conservation and natural resource management.
On November 3rd and 4th, our management team at CLAWS (Andrew, Catja and Edwin) met with two colleagues of Maliasili in Maun to reflect on our existing structure and working strategies as well as to identify steps to improve our organizational development. On the first day, we set the scene: We assessed our achievements so far, our gaps and our potentials. We gained clarity on the challenges we are facing, understood where we need to improve, who to support individually, and identified what resources our future development takes. We were prepared for the second day: Here, it was all about identification of concrete actions as well as determining responsibilities.
This workshop was the first of its kind for us. It is part of a multi-year facilitation process, including different training units to strengthen our organizational capacity. It was particularly exciting as we reflected on so many things that are part of CLAWS’ identity. In sharing our thoughts and being invited to see “the bigger picture” as well as the details that give us energy or that we struggle with, we felt connected. This also goes back to the two facilitators who co-created a really comfortable environment with us.
As we currently expand our team, duties and project work, the collaboration with Maliasili comes just at the right time. We are really grateful for their support.
See more about Maliasili here.